Special Edition: Its Time To Make America Great Again, To Support the Founding Fathers Vision & Uphold American Values

The United States of America is going through one of the most decisive and troublesome times in its history. American values are at stake. The vision of our forefathers on which they built this great nation is at stake. The core beliefs of our society, the customs, the traditions, and the things that make this nation great are at stake. Amidst the landscape of social media frenzy, debates, and criticisms, we must look straight and focus on what truly matters – the well-being of this nation. Because when this great nation is well, we are well.

As a proud American and a citizen who really cares about upholding patriotic values, we know we have to take a stand now. We have to choose between two sides. One side is the Democratic Party, which almost seems determined to destroy our society. This side seems hell-bent on remaining at odds with the beliefs and values that make America great and form the core of our forefathers’ vision.

One of the major issues threatening to destroy American society is the border crisis. And the Biden administration is prioritizing housing illegal migrants in schools over the education of our children. Has Biden forgotten that this nation is still facing troublesome issues that he needs to address first?

So much so that the Democratic Party is even determined to destroy our religion. You can understand simply by looking not so far. Recently, President Joe Biden, a Democrat, announced ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ on one of the holiest days of Christianity’ Easter Day.’ Did President Biden completely forget about the ‘Easter Day?’ Was there no one in his administration or the Democratic Party to remind him of one of the holiest days of Christianity? More so, the Democrats are advocating for gender transitioning counseling for minors without parental consent. These are not some issues that we may face, but these are issues that are at work now and are destroying our society.

Democrats are now pushing for allowing biologically-born men to use biologically-born women and take part in women’s sports, completely disregarding the safety of our daughters. Seeing this, a question definitely comes to mind. Has common sense and logic completely vanished from our society? Where is this nation heading? What are we trying to achieve by allowing laws to be made by some cracked and crooked people?

On the other side of the horizon, there is some hope. There is Donald Trump. Though, at times, some may critique Trump’s communication style. But if, for a moment, we put aside his communication skills and listen to what he really is trying to say, you will see his unwavering efforts to safeguard this nation’s future. He is speaking some common sense and talking with a common person’s logic. Here again, some so-called experts say that Trump doesn’t have the mind of intellectuals or leaders. Well, we actually don’t need it. Look where the so-called leaders or intellectuals have brought this nation.

Trump talks and thinks like a common American. That’s because he understands the feelings, ambitions, thoughts, problems, hardships, and the life of a common American. Well, that’s his advantage. Trump knows that drug trafficking across our borders is destroying American lives. He knows that deadly substances like fentanyl have become a poison for Americans. That’s why he has made it a principal policy of his administration to address this fentanyl abuse.

The silver lining in the sky that I see is the Americans’ trust in Donald Trump. We simply need a man in the White House who keeps things simple and solves our problems. Under President Trump, we had no wars, a peace arrangement with North Korea, and a peace agreement in the Middle East. Under President Biden, we find ourselves on the brink of WWIII, and American taxpayers are funding wars in Europe and the Middle East, diverting resources away from addressing pressing domestic issues.

The November 2024 Presidential Election is going to have a special place in US history. Let us decide and vote with common sense and logic. It’s time we think about our nation. It’s time we make this nation great again. Let’s reclaim our nation’s lost glory and make it a nation that our forefathers envisioned. 

One Comment

  1. I think it’s time for our Congress to stop Biden’s digital dollars and the surveillance of every aspect of March American. If his new digital dollars succeed he will be telling the American people what they can and can’t buy, plus he will have the opportunity to take money from individual accounts as he sees fit. As an American citizen I think this is unacceptable and must be stopped at all cost. What I decide to spend my money on is my business and shouldn’t be Biden’s decision. He has been allowed to bring more than 17 million illegals into our country, to put men into women’s sports, and now he’s attacking our religious beliefs. When is Congress going to stop him and bring charges against him for all the illegal money he has been allowed to receive for selling his name to China, Ukraine, and God knows who else. It has be proven he wasn’t legally elected by the American people, and now it’s time he was arrested and held responsible for all the crimes he’s committed since back when he was a Senator. It’s time our elected members of Congress start holding him accountable and responsible. It’s time his woke decisions are stopped?? It’s time our elected members of Congress stop fighting amongst themselves and to proceed their duties they were elected to uphold. As a US citizen born and bread in the United States, I am appalled at what you are allowing our country to become and I am demanding you start doing your jobs. I used to be proud of being an American citizen, but that fact is dwindling fast, realizing what you have allowed the United States of America to become, especially since we used to be the greatest Nation in the World!!

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