After More Than Three Years of President Biden At White House, Nearly Half Of Americans Think Trump’s Presidency Was Better

When Biden came into office, nearly 39 percent of Americans thought that Trump spent a good time at the White House, taking care of the country’s issues. However, few of these 39 percent of Americans thought that Trump’s era at the White House was excellent for the country. However, after over three years of Biden’s presidency, nearly half of Americans now believe that Trump was far better than Biden.

Under the presidency of Joe Biden, the United States of America plunged into deadly issues. Costs went up by 20%, the inflation rate rose to record numbers, unemployment destroyed many families, wars broke out in the Middle East and Ukraine, our foreign policy had no secure future, the U.S. faced deadly Afghanistan withdrawal, the crime rate increased, and millions of ‘gotaways’ or illegal migrants have entered the United States of America. All of this and more happened during the three years of Biden’s presidency.

Hence, after suffering for three years and seeing their once great nation struggle to support its citizens, a New York Times/Siena Poll found that nearly half of Americans think that former President Donald Trump handled the country far better than the aged Biden.  

Key polling metrics show Trump has become far more positive since 2020:

Forty-two percent said Trump’s tenure was “mostly good for America,” compared to only 25 percent for Biden.

More voters (up 11 points) regard Trump as a “safe choice” than previously viewed in 2016.

More voters (up 10 points) approve of his handling of the economy.

More voters (up 9 points) think Trump left the country better off.

More voters (up 8 points) approve of Trump’s handling of maintaining law and order.

The New York Times reported in their article:

· While the memories of Mr. Trump’s tumultuous and chaotic administration have not significantly faded, many voters now have a rosier picture of his handling of the economy, immigration, and maintaining law and order. Ahead of the 2020 election, only 39 percent of voters said the country was better off after Mr. Trump took office. Looking back, nearly half say that he improved things during his time as president.

· The poll’s findings underscore how a segment of voters have changed their minds about the Trump era, recalling those years as a time of economic prosperity and strong national security. The shift in views about his administration comes even as Mr. Trump faces dozens of felony counts and will appear in a New York courtroom on Monday for jury selection in one of his four criminal trials.

· Many of Mr. Trump’s key constituencies, such as white voters without a college degree, are particularly likely to have a fond view of his time in office. But a broad swath of the country — including Hispanic voters, voters over 30, and most lower- and middle-income voters — now see Mr. Trump’s years in office as more good than bad.